Powerful and Effective Prayers

We all want to live Powerful and Effective Lives. However, just as very few people become the boss, set records, or become professional athletes, very few people make the necessary sacrifices and do what it takes to live Powerful and Effective Lives. The difference...

Fruitfullness Through Prayer

“Or again, how can anyone enter a strong man’s house and carry off his possessions unless he first ties up the strong man? Then he can rob his house.” Matthew 12:29 In defending His performing of miracles, Jesus acknowledged the power and strength of Satan, Jesus’...

Prayer Grows The Church

“When Jesus saw the crowds, He had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. Then He said to His disciples, ‘The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers...