The COVID-19 Coronavirus
Dear SoldOut Movement Family,
“Devote yourself to prayer, being watchful and thankful. And pray… that God may open a door for our message.” (Colossians 4:2-3) The numeric and geographic expansion of the coronavirus grows daily. This week, I have been asked on several occasions, “What is the response of the SoldOut Movement Church Leadership?” Today, on March 12th, the Kernans, Blackwells, Untalans, Kirchners and Elena & I had an urgent meeting. We began by falling on our knees and praying for wisdom from God’s Word to give direction to God’s great people around the world.
In light of this present crisis, I shared a Bible study entitled, THE CORONAVIRUS PANDEMIC OPPORTUNITY. We read in the Book of Acts about the many crises that the early church forthrightly addressed: The hundreds of converts from other nations staying in Jerusalem without means; persecution including imprisonment and martyrdom; and dissension about circumcision. From these Scriptures, God taught us that there are 3 needed responses to every crisis: 1) Prayer, 2) Preaching and 3) Planning.
Since the impact of this virus greatly varies from country to country and in America from state to state, the direction for each church leadership is to pray to our loving Father and to seek advice from their World Sector Leader as to the course to take.
Given the relatively few cases of the coronavirus in Los Angeles, we have decided to go ahead this weekend with our remaining 6 Regional Women’s Days, as these groups will be under 100 in number. However, in keeping with the spirit of the hour and in humbly following the direction of national leaderships to limit the size of gatherings, the City of Angeles Church will move to a “Sector / House Church Meeting Schedule” effective immediately for both Sunday and Midweek Services. Bible Talks will also continue. As with many organizations, we will reevaluate our position at the end of March.
We do have a deep concern for those in our fellowship in “high risk groups:” Those with cardiovascular disease, chronic respiratory illness, high blood pressure, diabetes and cancer, as well as individuals over 60 years old. These brothers and sisters will be permitted to miss church at their own discretion, but they will be able to join us through Skype or Facebook Messenger for services. They will be served communion later that day at home.
For the time being at our gatherings, we will no longer give “holy hugs,” but we will move to the “holy elbow bump!” As well, we expect everyone to continue their faithfulness in their weekly giving and their giving generously for Missions.
Pray that a vaccine or a cure can be found soon to allow the Gospel – and not the virus – to travel from city to city and country to country. From this morning’s meeting, there was a strong consensus that God is moving in unprecedented ways in our day to help those without Christ to see their need. In this time of panic and hopelessness, let us be the light of peace, so that we can “always… give an answer to everyone who asks… the reason for the hope that we have!” We are family, Kip (At the end of the Mobile Good News Email, the Editorial is on the Coronavirus.)
For more information on COVID-19 (coronavirus) please visit: