Dear Family,
On Friday and Saturday, February 7-8, Elena & I traveled to Dallas to celebrate – our granddaughter – Scarlett’s – 7th Birthday! Except for my “epic fall” during my learning how to ride Scarlett’s new hover board, we had such an enjoyable time with our precious daughter Olivia, her awesome husband Santtu and their amazing daughters – Scarlett and Savannah!
Sunday, February 9th, we left for São Paulo – one of the largest cities in the world with a population of 24 million lost souls! We arrived around noontime on Monday, and despite the flooding from heavy rains, we received a terrific SoldOut Movement Welcome from our fiery São Paulo Disciples!
Since it had been intensely raining since 3:00AM on Monday in drought-strickened São Paulo, many streets in the city center were badly flooded! In fact, São Paulo’s Mayor Bruno Covas said Monday it had rained in a few hours half of what was expected for the whole month of February! So to avoid the central area of the city where the effects of flooding brought the city’s chaotic traffic to a standstill, our Uber circled the southern edge of the city for about an hour and a half to get to our hotel – the site of the 2020 South American Missions Conference – the Sheraton World Trade Center Hotel!
That evening we had an awesome dinner and d-time with Raul & Lynda Moreno – the Central and South America World Sector Leaders!
On Tuesday morning, we “bumped into” Carol Nhavoto and her younger sister – Tonia! Carol is a doctor in Maputo (Mozambique) and is a “one woman remnant group!” Tonia is a dentist, who like Carol is married! As well, I was able to talk with Patrique via Messenger after her surgery in Johannesburg for a dangerous abscess on her hip. In fact, Tuesday was consumed with phone calls, returning emails and texts. My “golden rule“ of communication is: Every disciple should answer every text, every email and every phone call within 24 hours. As the Shepherd for the Movement, though at times it places a great deal of pressure on those who share this conviction, this application of Jesus’ “golden rule” (Matthew 7:12) has prevented me from “bottlenecking” urgent information to disciples around the globe!
That evening, we were able to meet with Vini & Bia Rodrigues – the São Paulo Campus Ministry Leaders! They have become so dear to us as true grandchildren in the faith! They shared that the famed University of São Paulo (USP) Campus Ministry is 25 disciples, after several recent graduations! (USP is ranked the number one university in all of Central & South America!) The São Paulo Church has a total of 65 college students!
On Wednesday, February 12th, I continued my read-through of the Bible in a year, which I have done for over three decades. I just finished Joshua and was reading Judges, when the Lord put a Bible study on my heart for Raul. So I wrote him this message:
Hey Bro! I have a Bible study for you! Read: Joshua 17:14-18; Judges 1:19; Judges 4-5. In Judges 5, note verse 28. So why did I ask you to read this? What is God’s message to you? Love, Kip… Raul responded perfectly!
That day was highlighted with appointments with the newlyweds – Luis & Malu Malaquias, the new São Paulo Campinas Region Leaders – and dear friends Carlos & Lucy Mejia – the galant México City Church Leaders! That evening, we had a quiet celebration of Lucy’s 48th Birthday! As well, we made decisions to have three focuses of the 35 disciples in the Mexico City Campus Ministry: Universidad Nacional Autonomous de México – UNAM (357,000 students), Polytechnic (172,000 students), and the prestigious Tec de Monterrey (7,000)!
On Thursday, February 13th, we had a delightful lunch with Danilo & Carol Bataglin – the Lima Church Leaders! This congregation was planted on May 19, 2019 with just 7 São Paulo Disciples! Praise God, after exactly 20 baptisms, this glorious church has 25 sold-out disciples!
That evening at 6:30PM, 196 fired up disciples from Santiago (Chile), Bogota (Colombia), Lima (Peru), Mexico City (México), Los Angeles (California), Maputo (Mozambique), as well as disciples from Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo (Brazil) attended the International Campus Devo! After incredible singing, Caio Costa – the dynamic Rio Evangelist – preached a challenging message on THE EYES OF THE LORD!
Following the lesson was a very interesting “Disciple Game” called “The Chicken and the Hen!” Two circles were formed; while Brazilian music played, the players danced in one of two circles. When it stopped, one had to find a same sex partner of the other circle and be quick to follow the announced challenge to either: 1) Have a “leap of faith” holding the other up; 2) Get into a discipling mode; 3) Get into a Bible study pose; 4) Hold up your brother (or sister); or 5) Build up your brother or sister! If you were not able to find a partner in the allotted time or you were the last to “obey” the instruction, you were out!
Following was the Speakers Dinner! After a delicious meal, Raul encouragingly shared about each in attendance! To close the evening, there was a time of heart-felt sharing by Kirk & Margie Hamula of LA (Margie was one of 7 on the original São Paulo Mission Team), Ricky & Coleen Challinor of Manila, and Elena &
me! Tears were freely shed! A deep fellowship followed!
Sunday, February 9th, we left for São Paulo – one of the largest cities in the world with a population of 24 million lost souls! We arrived around noontime on Monday, and despite the flooding from heavy rains, we received a terrific SoldOut Movement Welcome from our fiery São Paulo Disciples!
Since it had been intensely raining since 3:00AM on Monday in drought-strickened São Paulo, many streets in the city center were badly flooded! In fact, São Paulo’s Mayor Bruno Covas said Monday it had rained in a few hours half of what was expected for the whole month of February! So to avoid the central area of the city where the effects of flooding brought the city’s chaotic traffic to a standstill, our Uber circled the southern edge of the city for about an hour and a half to get to our hotel – the site of the 2020 South American Missions Conference – the Sheraton World Trade Center Hotel!
That evening we had an awesome dinner and d-time with Raul & Lynda Moreno – the Central and South America World Sector Leaders!
On Tuesday morning, we “bumped into” Carol Nhavoto and her younger sister – Tonia! Carol is a doctor in Maputo (Mozambique) and is a “one woman remnant group!” Tonia is a dentist, who like Carol is married! As well, I was able to talk with Patrique via Messenger after her surgery in Johannesburg for a dangerous abscess on her hip. In fact, Tuesday was consumed with phone calls, returning emails and texts. My “golden rule“ of communication is: Every disciple should answer every text, every email and every phone call within 24 hours. As the Shepherd for the Movement, though at times it places a great deal of pressure on those who share this conviction, this application of Jesus’ “golden rule” (Matthew 7:12) has prevented me from “bottlenecking” urgent information to disciples around the globe!
That evening, we were able to meet with Vini & Bia Rodrigues – the São Paulo Campus Ministry Leaders! They have become so dear to us as true grandchildren in the faith! They shared that the famed University of São Paulo (USP) Campus Ministry is 25 disciples, after several recent graduations! (USP is ranked the number one university in all of Central & South America!) The São Paulo Church has a total of 65 college students!
On Wednesday, February 12th, I continued my read-through of the Bible in a year, which I have done for over three decades. I just finished Joshua and was reading Judges, when the Lord put a Bible study on my heart for Raul. So I wrote him this message:
Hey Bro! I have a Bible study for you! Read: Joshua 17:14-18; Judges 1:19; Judges 4-5. In Judges 5, note verse 28. So why did I ask you to read this? What is God’s message to you? Love, Kip… Raul responded perfectly!
That day was highlighted with appointments with the newlyweds – Luis & Malu Malaquias, the new São Paulo Campinas Region Leaders – and dear friends Carlos & Lucy Mejia – the galant México City Church Leaders! That evening, we had a quiet celebration of Lucy’s 48th Birthday! As well, we made decisions to have three focuses of the 35 disciples in the Mexico City Campus Ministry: Universidad Nacional Autonomous de México – UNAM (357,000 students), Polytechnic (172,000 students), and the prestigious Tec de Monterrey (7,000)!
On Thursday, February 13th, we had a delightful lunch with Danilo & Carol Bataglin – the Lima Church Leaders! This congregation was planted on May 19, 2019 with just 7 São Paulo Disciples! Praise God, after exactly 20 baptisms, this glorious church has 25 sold-out disciples!
That evening at 6:30PM, 196 fired up disciples from Santiago (Chile), Bogota (Colombia), Lima (Peru), Mexico City (México), Los Angeles (California), Maputo (Mozambique), as well as disciples from Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo (Brazil) attended the International Campus Devo! After incredible singing, Caio Costa – the dynamic Rio Evangelist – preached a challenging message on THE EYES OF THE LORD!
Following the lesson was a very interesting “Disciple Game” called “The Chicken and the Hen!” Two circles were formed; while Brazilian music played, the players danced in one of two circles. When it stopped, one had to find a same sex partner of the other circle and be quick to follow the announced challenge to either: 1) Have a “leap of faith” holding the other up; 2) Get into a discipling mode; 3) Get into a Bible study pose; 4) Hold up your brother (or sister); or 5) Build up your brother or sister! If you were not able to find a partner in the allotted time or you were the last to “obey” the instruction, you were out!
Following was the Speakers Dinner! After a delicious meal, Raul encouragingly shared about each in attendance! To close the evening, there was a time of heart-felt sharing by Kirk & Margie Hamula of LA (Margie was one of 7 on the original São Paulo Mission Team), Ricky & Coleen Challinor of Manila, and Elena &
me! Tears were freely shed! A deep fellowship followed!
Friday morning in the States was Valentine’s Day! However, in Brazil in lieu of this celebration is “Dia dos Namorados” (Day of Lovers) on June 12th! Friday morning came early with a 7:00AM time with a dear brother! The Church Builders Workshop started at 9:00AM! Highlighting the morning were the speeches by Tulio Amaral of Bogota – SEE WHAT IS UNSEEN – and from Mexico City Carlos Mejias spoke on – FULL OF LIGHT! One of Carlos’ profound points was: Drink The Bitter Cup But Do Not Get Bitter!
Between these two main speeches were inspiring 6-minute charges on FROM DARKNESS TO LIGHT: Paul by Renato Tria, Ruth by Malu Malaquias, Peter by Miguel Limon, Rehab by Bia Rodrigues, David by Gabriel Freitas, Mary Magdalene by Marie Jose Tria, and Jacob by Luis Malaquias!
In the afternoon, we had lunch and dinner appointments, but were able to squeeze in my daily phone call to Mom, and a walk on Valentine’s Day with Elena!
Friday night was the First General Session of the SAMC and was nothing short of spectacular! At the Welcome, Raul & Lunda gave special honor to one of the original 7 São Paulo Mission Team Members – Margie Hamula! While in Brazil, Margie even endured being robbed at gunpoint in her apartment! After this incident, she never considered “going home!”
So amazing were the Flag Presentation, the Opening Video and the Cultural Dances from every country in Central and South America that the SoldOut Movement has churches!
Friday night was the First General Session of the SAMC and was nothing short of spectacular! At the Welcome, Raul & Lunda gave special honor to one of the original 7 São Paulo Mission Team Members – Margie Hamula! While in Brazil, Margie even endured being robbed at gunpoint in her apartment! After this incident, she never considered “going home!”
So amazing were the Flag Presentation, the Opening Video and the Cultural Dances from every country in Central and South America that the SoldOut Movement has churches!
Then Elena & I were very privileged to share GOOD NEWS FROM AROUND THE WORLD! Perhaps most exiting was the announcement that in God’s SoldOut Movement’s 13th Anniversay year, 13 Church Plantings are planned!
After this, Danilo preached his best sermon to date on, SEE THE SPIRITUAL REALITY! Danilo spoke on the reality of the spiritual war around us, and that it should sober us! His two points were 1) Be A Soldier That Fights, and 2) Be A Victorious Soldier! He shared that since we are in a war, we should not be surprised that some of our friends are wounded by Satan and become “weak in the faith,” and some will be killed – they will fall away!
To close the service, Damaris Kariya – the daughter of Japanese Evangelical Church Leaders in Brazil – placed membership from being converted in Miami! As well there were four restorations: Simone, Lina – directly from the ICOC, and the married couple, Flavio & Carol! (So well behaved on stage was their young son, Davi!) Tears were shed by each of the four as they shared their hearts before the 379 gathered about their restoration!
Saturday, February 15th was the Men’s and Women’s Programs! The Men’s Program began at 9:00AM sharp and ended at noon! Using the text of 1 Samuel 10 when Saul in his early days became the humble King of Israel, Vini Rodrigues – the SAMC Director – and Raul – his Father in the Faith – spoke on OPEN THE EYES OF YOUR HEART! Vini preached on the perspective of being a great disciple, and Raul was brilliant in sharing about the role of “discipler.” Raul shared about each of “his disciples” and the different approach the he had in raising each up into maturity! Of course, he shared about Vini, Danilo, Tulio, Caio, Luis, Renato, Alfredo, Carlos and Ricky!
Then, very insightfully and humbly he shared about his number one disciple – his wife Lynda! Raul opened up that he usually had two questions in his weekly d-time for Lynda. He said that he began these weekly d-times with the question, “How are you feeling?” He then humbly said, “Lynda usually shares her heart for an hour.” Then Raul asked his second question, “What else are you feeling?” Raul said that this would go for another half-an-hour but Lynda felt heard and this was awesome! All of us left inspired to be more considerate to our wives! To close out the morning, Alfredo powerfully preached on one of my favorite passages – Mark 8:22-25: SEE CLEARLY!
Since I was trying to get pictures from the Women’s Program for the Mobile Good News Email, I heard the tremendous lessons by Elena – OPEN THE EYES OF YOUR HEART – and Coleen Challinor on BEARING FRUIT!
That evening was MERCY NIGHT! Ricky in his lesson – THE BLIND WILL SEE – inspired the São Paulo Church with what the Lord did in 2019 in Manila, since the Philippines and a Brazil have about the same level of openness! Though the Manila Church was hurting in January 2019, and its true membership was about 210, Ricky shared that God blessed them with 150 baptisms, 33 restorations and two glorious church plantings to Davao and Phnom Penh! The collective growth – in just one year – was that the 210 Manila Disciples multiplied into three churches of 420 disciples! He added, “If I told you tonight the hundredth person you shared your faith with will get baptized, would you share your faith more vigorously? Ricky said, “I cannot promise that the 100th person you share with will come around, but I can say the fields are ripe into harvest and the 50th, the 100th or the 500th will get baptized!” This sermon touched so many hearts!
On Sunday, February 16th, a record 444 gathered for Sunday Worship! Following great singing, a powerful opening prayer, and the SAMC Video, came a beautifully orchestrated skit on the forces of evil trying to stop the forceful advancement of the Kingdom!
After a tremendous Communion by the Trias and a moving Contribution Charge by the Hamulas, came the Third Commencement of the ICCM-São Paulo! God blessed us with 10 BA Degree recipients!
Following, I was privileged to deliver the key-note sermon, OPEN YOUR EYES! In my third point, I brought to the attention, that though the São Paulo Church had grown by sending out disciples, locally they began this year with the same 240 disciples as last year! I challenged the church to imitate the faith of the Manila Church and have almost 200 additions in 2020!
Then came the presentation of the 10 baptisms – the most ever on one day for the great São Paulo Church: Caio, Jean, Tiago, Tiago, Hugo, Ester, Elaine, Valeria, Tafarel and Maureni!
Renato and I were greatly privileged to pray for the Send Off of the 10-Campinas Mission Team! Luis Martinez of LA would have been greatly encouraged as we closed the SAMC with “The Glory Song – the São Paulo Version!”
We are family… filled with visions and dreams,