Dear Family,
Greetings from the Indianapolis International Christian Church – OPERATION EAGLE #21! Today was the historic Indianapolis Inaugural Service! With 15 on the Indy Mission Team, 3 previous baptisms, and 37 visiting disciples from Chicago, Columbus, Las Vegas, Los Angeles and San Francisco, God blessed us with 125 in attendance! I was so moved to see a disciplining church replanted in my birth city!
The Opening Prayer of the Indianapolis Inaugural Service!
The Spirit added two to their number – one incredible baptism and one place membership!
Joaquin – a Kingdom Kid – was baptized by Jeremiah Clark, the Indy Lead Evangelist, is a longtime family friend!
Since there will be a Mobile Good News Email coming out this week, many more details will shared at that time!
The Indianapolis ICC received their OPERATION EAGLE trophies at the Celebration Dinner on Sunday night!
Also today: Apia, Samoa had their Inaugural Service where the 8 on the Mission Team and 10 visiting disciples witnessed 111 in attendance and one glorious baptism!
Ployan was baptized today after much persecution!
Also good news: 8 baptisms in Northern California – San Francisco had 6 and Sacramento had 2 amazing baptisms – giving the two churches a combined over 300 sold-out disciples!
Jason & Sarah Dimitry – the San Francisco Church Leaders – did a splendid job in training Jeremiah & Julie Clark, who lead the Indy ICC!
Lastly, the New York City Church had five baptisms – all from the Campus Ministry! Three were from Ivy League Schools – two from Columbia in Manhattan and the first baptism of New Haven, Connecticut (to be “officially” planted next Sunday) had a student baptized from Yale University!
Mark (left) – a sophomore at Yale – was the first Connecticut baptism! Rose (right) is a graduate student at Columbia and was meant by Brandyn Speckman! Joshua is an undergrad at Columbia!
Pray for Elena & I as we return to LA tomorrow! And to God be all the glory!
We are family… bold and unashamed,