Greetings from Los Angeles! The 2016 Global Leadership Conference – REVOLUTION – was historic from start to finish! Over 2,200 participants gathered on Sunday morning July 31, 2016 at the beautiful Anaheim Hilton Hotel! We heard singing like never before and witnessed an incredible Opening Video where huge groups of our disciples were recorded in their cities shouting, “We are the REVOLUTION!” Then came the glorious Flag Ceremony where the flags of the 31 nations in which there is a SoldOut Movement Church were paraded before a roaring crowd! Another highlight was The Fourth Commencement of the International College of Christian Ministries where 71 received accredited Bachelor’s, Master’s and Doctorate Degrees! Following this splendid celebration was the very moving sermon THE REVOLUTION BEGINS IN JERUSALEM by Dr. Andrew Smellie! Of course the 16 baptisms that day reminded us of ultimately why we sacrificed so much to come together! And then the Holy Spirit sent out the amazing Tampa and Dubai Mission Teams through our prayers and the fervent singing ofThe Glory Song – International Version!
The REVOLUTION goes to the Middle East as
the Spirit sent out the Dubai Mission
Team at the 2016 GLC!
For many of us in LA, the 2016 Global Leadership Conference (GLC)began at the July 19th City of Angels Church Staff Meeting where the Dubai Mission Team Leader – RD Baker – gave the stirring lesson DO NOT TRY THIS ON YOUR OWN! As a veteran preacher, RD challenged LA’s youthful leaders to remember that it is through God’s power that miracles occur! He shared about being sent off at the GREAT AMONG THE NATIONS CONFERENCE in San Diego in 1998 to Manama, Bahrain – an island nation in the Middle East. In Manama starting with just RD and his wife, and no one else on the mission team, in just four years’ time the church grew to 80 disciples! However, when the ICOC crashed in 2003, through the Kriete Letter and the ICOC’s return to Mainline Church of Christ Theology, RD and his family were called back to the States.
RD Baker preaches an amazing farewell
message at the LA Staff Meeting!
In 2008, RD was fired from the full-time ministry in Phoenix because of his convictions that discipling is a command of God. Then brokenhearted and with acedia gripping his soul, RD then drifted from church to church and eventually fell away and became divorced. In early 2014, I called RD who was then in Minneapolis to move immediately to LA and get restored to the Lord and His church. This he did in March 2014! Not only was RD restored, but also his dream for the Middle East as well!
Remarkably one year later on March 1, 2015, RD married the love of his life – April! Even though April has had severe heart problems since she was a baby, she fully embraced RD’s dream as God calling her to the Middle East! (Acts 16:10) In December, Satan attacked when April’s heart capacity dropped to only 19%. After surgery in January, her heart began to function at 40%! Though friends and family begged her to stay, April never wavered in her zeal to preach the Word side-by-side with her husband RD in Dubai, United Arab Emirates!
The Holy Spirit has called RD & April to plant the
pillar church for the Middle East in Dubai, UAE!
After RD preached his uplifting sermon, the brothers had a time of sharing about RD while the sisters shared about April. Following a prayer on our knees, RD & April cut the gorgeous Dubai Mission Team Cake and then fed each other the very first bites!
It is the custom of the SoldOut Movement for each
Mission Team to be celebrated with a specialty
cake emblematic of the targeted
city or nation!
On Saturday July 23rd, I joined the IGNITE Teens on their climb up Mount Hollywood – Mount Shalom! (More on this later!) As is our custom in the SoldOut Movement, the IGNITE Teen Event is held the week previous to the Pre-Festivities of the GLC! This years’ theme wasEVEN GREATER THINGS! Ricky & Coleen Challinor – the Directors ofIGNITE – designed this intensive training week to build up the teens that are invited by merit to participate in IGNITE. On Saturday, July 16th, the 32 teen disciples from around the world traveled to Palm Springs!
Ricky & Coleen Challinor oversee the
phenomenal IGNITE Teen Program!
Elena with the IGNITE Women Interns: Lizbeth,
Karen, Frida, Devon and Krystal!
On Sunday, the IGNITE Teens worshiped with the Coachella Valley Region! On Monday night, the teens broke into Brothers and Sisters D-groups where they held a Night of Confession. The brothers were done in a few hours! However, I am told that the sisters went from 9PM to 6AM! Well, as Jesus talked about unclean cups, the Challinors believe before the teens can be trained, “One must clean it out to be devout!” Tuesday of IGNITE was the physical Character Building Activities that included sprints, bear crawls around the lake, and underwater walking carrying a heavy stone, as well as a Preach Off! Wednesday’s focus of all the lessons was on purity. Thursday was MERCY Day where the teens went to Skid Row in Downtown LA to feed the homeless.
IGNITE feeds the homeless of Skid Row in
Downtown LA for their MERCY Day!
Friday was the Day of Evangelism. And Saturday was the climbing of Mount Shalom and while up top viewing all of LA, I presented the lesson,GOD’S TEEN MINISTRY!
For the teens that are selected, IGNITE is a
mountain top experience!
On Sunday the IGNITE Teens conducted the entire service for the combined South, OC, IE, and Coachella Valley Regions! The Welcome by Luke Chiappetta and Nancy Garcia and an Opening Prayer in seven different languages were sensational!
Luke Chiappetta and Nancy Garcia enthusiastically
welcome everyone to the IGNITE Teen
Worship Service!
The singing was terrific and the sermons by Carlos Robielos of the South Region of LA, Daniel Gomez of Mexico City, and Yamin Leyton also of the South Region were phenomenal… and I must say quite “crispy!”
Yamin Leyton – a future Evangelist – preached
the Word very passionately!
The packed-out IGNITE Teen Service!
The Pre-Festivities of GLC Week began on Wednesday morning with the meeting of the World Sector Leaders Council! Gathered were: Tim & Lianne Kernan (Western USA and Canada), Andrew & Patrique Smellie (Africa), Cory & Jee Blackwell (Midwest USA and Middle East), Matt & Helen Sullivan (Eastern USA and South Asia), Michael & Michele Williamson (Europe), Oleg & Elena Sirotkin (Eurasia – Russian Commonwealth), Raul & Lynda Moreno (Central and South America), Kyle & Joan Bartholomew (Pacific Rim), Joe & Kerry Willis (Austral-China), Nick & Denise Bordieri (Movement Shepherding Couple and MERCY Directors), Tony & Therese Untalan (Movement Shepherding Couple and Overseers of Shepherding Couples), Michael & Sharon Kirchner (Administration and Law), and Elena & me.
Karen Maciel (left) and Rebecca Rico joyfully
check-in the World Sector Leaders to
Tim Kernan did an outstanding job helping all of us to better understandJESUS’ LAST FORTY DAYS! Tim focused on many of the times that the number “40” is recorded in the Scriptures: the 40 days that Moses was on the mountain fasting; the 40 days the spies explored the Promised Land; the maximum number of lashes under the law is 40; Elijah’s fast was 40 days; and of course Jesus’ fast when He was tempted by Satan was 40 days as well. So 40 signifies a time of sanctification (being made holy) and preparation for the fulfilling of God’s purpose at that hour. This is why Jesus was with the Apostles for 40 days and then He ascended to Heaven! Jesus’ last 40 days were to prepare the Apostles for the Kingdom, as Luke records that this was Jesus’ sole theme in His teaching during that time. (Acts 1:3)
Tim’s insightful Bible study on the number “40”
inspired all the World Sector Leaders!
Then we celebrated Communion by each of us in turn holding a piece of unleavened bread and pledging to the group, “We are family.” Then holding up a cup of red grape juice representing the price that Jesus paid with His blood, each of us then pledged to the group, “Into eternity!” The first time that the World Sector Leaders had communion in 2014 we made the pledge, “We are family… to the end” inspiring each other to never quit on the Lord or one another. This time Elena & I wanted to emphasize that we are responsible through discipling to get each other into Heaven where we will be together for eternity!
At Communion, each World Sector Leader pledged
to all the others, “We are family… into eternity.”
To close out our morning session, Matt Sullivan called for a “divine unity” among the World Sector Leaders in his lesson, ONE IN HEART AND MIND. Matt opened his lesson with the always challenging third chapter of Colossians where he called us to “set our hearts on things above”thus crucifying our worldly nature and “forgiving as the Lord forgave [us].” (Colossians 3:1, 13)
Matt Sullivan gently called the World Sector
Leaders to have a “divine unity!”
Wednesday evening was the First Session of the Crown of Thorns Council (COTC). In building a “Jesus Movement,” as we are doing in the SoldOut Movement, the World Sector Leaders are paralleled to the 12 Apostles and the COTC is paralleled to Jesus’ “70” Apostles of Luke 10. The 70 represents the number of nations of the world as listed in the Table of Nations in Genesis 10. Thus the COTC oversees world missions – “the evangelization of the nations in this generation” – for the SoldOut Movement. New additions to the COTC this year are: Alfredo & Alejandra Anuch of Santiago, Joel & Courtney Parlour of Seattle, Mark & Maika Carbonell – World Sector Administrators for the Pac Rim, Pat & Pam Boea – a Shepherding Couple for Chicago and the Middle East, Sasha Korotova – World Sector Administrator for Eurasia, and Yelena Astanin – Assistant Financial Administrator to Michael Kirchner.
Sasha Korotova (right) – pictured with her younger
sister Anya who also is a disciple in Moscow – is
one of the newest members of the Crown of
Thorns Council as she serves as the
Eurasian (Russian Commonwealth)
World Sector Administrator!
Yelena Astanin is also another key addition to the
Crown of Thorns Council as the Assistant
Financial Administrator for
the Movement!
That evening at the COTC, Carlos Mejia convicted us all through his powerful sermon – THOSE WHO TURNED THE WORLD UPSIDE DOWN!
Thursday morning the COTC divided into Men’s and Women’s Programs. Elena spoke to the women on SHE PERSUADED PAUL,while Alfredo Anuch preached to the brothers on YOU WILL RECEIVE POWER. Following, each group had a time of confession and prayer. In the afternoon, we went over the 2016 – 2020 SoldOut Movement Road Map, as well as hearing reports from Michael Kirchner on Finances And Administration and Nick & Denise Bordieri onMERCYWORLDWIDE. To close our session, the geographic World Sector Leaders gave an overview of the condition of all the SoldOut Movement Churches!
Alfredo & Alejandra Anuch of Santiago de Chile – two
of the newest members of the Crown
of Thorns Council!
That evening was the International College of Christian Ministries (ICCM) Faculty and Board Reception! An hour before the reception was the signing of all 71 diplomas!
The signing of the esteemed ICCM Diplomas!
Last year, the ICCM went global with the establishing of extension campuses of the ICCM in Manila, Portland and São Paulo! This year at the ICCM Reception, we welcomed to our distinguished faculty Mike & Chenelle Patterson who are initiating ICCM – Boston and Andrew & Patrique Smellie who are founding ICCM – Lagos! Then after a short charge from the Scriptures, we shared a delicious Mexican meal!
Mike & Chenelle Patterson – the President
and Dean of Women for ICCM-Boston!
Andrew & Patrique Smellie – the President
and Dean of Women for ICCM-Lagos!
Dr. Kip McKean – Chancellor of ICCM-Global – with
the Presidents of the ICCM Extension Campuses!
Dr. Elena McKean – Vice Chancellor of Women for
ICCM-Global – with the Deans of Women of the
ICCM Extension Campuses and the Provost
of Academics – Rebecca Rico!
The distinguished ICCM-Global Faculty!
The ICCM Reception was an incredible
time of fellowship!
Another exciting event occurred at that same hour – the engagement of Mexico City’s Campus and Teen Leaders – Miguel Limon & Myrna Lopez!
Congratulations to Miguel & Myrna of Mexico City!
On Friday from 9:00AM to 1:00PM was The Church Builders Workshop (CBW) very ably emceed by Tim & Lianne Kernan!
Before the Church Builders Workshop begins,
Tim Kernan – the incredible Director of the
entire GLC – leads a powerful
Pre-Service Prayer!
After their welcome, Elena & I were privileged to give the report: Good News From Around The World!
Kip & Elena honored the Lagos Church by wearing
traditional Nigerian outfits as they shared
Good News from around
the Movement!
Immediately following, Andrew Smellie led us in a song from our African brother Micky Ngungu of Kinshasa where all in attendance sang, There Is A Joy AND DANCED IN A CONGA LINE around the auditorium! All of the non-African disciples were grinning and laughing as it was a little awkward feeling at first, but then everyone really got into it and like David “[we] danced before the Lord with all [our] might!”
Andrew Smellie brings Africa to the GLC with the
singing, clapping and conga line dancing around
the room to honor the Lord with the song
There is A Joy!
Patrique Smellie joyfully initiates the conga line!
Even the rather conservative Dallas delegation –
the Sears and the Woodys – dance
with all their might!
There Is A Joy brought so much joy and fun
into the Church Builders Workshop!
After a short break, Kyle Bartholomew of Metro Manila blew it out preaching on THE DISCIPLES INCREASED RAPIDLY! He admonished us not to let a lack of finances stop us from accomplishing God’s purposes! Kyle shared, “All we had was faith when we started the Movement!” This same faith is being blessed by God in the Metro Manila Church as in 2016 already there have been 109 additions – 87 baptisms, 20 restorations and 2 place memberships directly from our former fellowship!
Kyle Bartholomew – the dynamic Pacific
Rim World Sector Leader!
Then for the very first time, the CBW was divided into three tracks:Revolution On Campus, Revitalization In The Church, andMultiplication To The Nations.
The Track #1 Revolutionaries who spoke
on Campus Ministry!
In Track #2, Cathi Martinez shared how to have
effective Bring Your Neighbor Days!
In the Multiplication Track, Luke Speckman’s Multiplication Of Regions, Ricky Challinor’s Arresting And Reversing The Fall-away Problem, Michael Kirchners’ Evangelists And Admins Partnership,Carlos Mejias’ Building A Team Around Your Weaknesses, and Jason Dimitry’s Setting And Breaking Goals And Records were particularly convicting and helpful to the church leaders!
Michael Kirchner and Carlos Mejia gave outstanding
challenges in the Multiplication Track!
So many first time participants came to the Church Builders Workshopas almost 800 were in attendance! Among these dear brothers and sisters was Leonel & Cristina Torres of Mexico City!
Leonel & Cristina recently joined the
Movement in Mexico City and are
once again full-time for the Lord!
New friendships were forged at the Church Builders
Workshop which will greatly strengthen the
unity of the Movement!
Late that afternoon, Joe Mack & Amelia Gomez of Boston shared in a “revolutionary engagement!”
Congratulations to Joe & Amelia!
Friday evening was not only the MERCYWORLDWIDE DirectorsDinner, but also the International Campus Devotional where over 900 were in attendance! After a time of Good News Sharing, according to many reports, Anthony Olmos – presently the Campus Minister in London, but soon to be the Paris Church Leader – delivered his best ever sermon entitled, THE WORD OF THE LORD SPREAD WIDELY!
Lord willing in January 2017, Anthony Olmos
will become the Lead Evangelist of the
fiery Paris Church!
The Pre-Festivities continued throughout the day on Saturday withCyberCon led by Ron Harding, the MERCYWORLDWIDE Summitemceed by Nick & Denise Bordieri, and the SALT (Single Adults Loving the Truth) Fellowship hosted by Chris McGrath and Megan Mathews!
Raul & Lynda Moreno of São Paulo give a
warm welcome to the 300 MERCY
Summit participants!
Michael Williamson of London passionately
speaks on YOU VISITED ME!
preacher – attended the 2013 GLC and was baptized
as a sold-out disciple! He returned home to
Haiti to preach “the full message of Christ”
and now there are six SoldOut Movement
Churches with 250 disciples!
Michael Ochwa receives the MERCY Global
Ambassador of the Year Award for his
work among the poor in London!
That afternoon, Everardo Esparza & Jen Wagner – the LA East Region Interns – were gloriously engaged!
Congratulations to the dearly beloved
couple Everardo & Jen!
On Saturday evening were the International Teen Devotional where Mike Patterson spoke on A YOUNG MAN NAMED SAUL, the Talent Show directed by Princeton George, and the PYUR Dance overseen by Rob & Burgandie Onekea!
Princeton George oversaw the
phenomenal Talent Show!
Rob Onekea was the Emcee and DJ
for the PYUR Dance!
The Sunday Morning Worship Service was the official beginning of the2016 Global Leadership Conference! From the “get-go,” the singing was off the charts! Then came the extraordinary Opening Video by Elliott Svenkenson that called for the GLC participants to “join theREVOLUTION!” ( Following was a joyous Welcome and Prayer by Cory Blackwell and Raja Rajan respectively!
On Sunday Morning over 2,200 gathered at the
Anaheim Hilton Hotel to worship the Lord!
Cory Blackwell and Raja Rajan’s huge hearts for
God were so obvious in the Welcome and
the Opening Prayer!
Then came the unforgettable Flag Ceremony! Through LiveStream, all 31 of the nations with at least one SoldOut Movement Church saw their flag paraded down the aisles! As the years pass, the Flag Ceremonywill represent the countdown to the evangelization of the 196 nations of the world!
Jake Studer of Canada!
Sofia Sirotkina of Ukraine!
Yomi Bello of Nigeria!
The flags of the 31 countries where the
REVOLUTION has started!
Then came the moving appointment of RD Baker as an Evangelist and the touching reinstatement of Hector & Adriana Gomez of Mexico City as Evangelist and Women’s Ministry Leader in the Kingdom of God!
RD Baker is overwhelmed that his lifetime dream to
be appointed an Evangelist came true!
Hector & Adriana Gomez are reinstated as Evangelist
and Women’s Ministry Leader by their best
friends – the Mejias!
After this, RD & April Baker presided over Communion and Joe & Kerry Willis of Sydney delivered the Contribution Message. As the Willis’ shared about sacrificing from Philippians 4, they had three Chinese Disciples – Chi Leong, Themis Shuen and Dean Lam – on stage with them to underscore that we sacrifice our finances so that all countries can hear the gospel, and in particular, the largest country in the world with 1.3 billion lost souls – China!
Joe & Kerry Willis gave a revolutionary
contribution message!
After a short break, one of the lasting memories from the 2016 GLC wasThe Fourth Commencement Of The International College Of Christian Ministries! During this astonishing session, 65 received their BA Degrees in one of four tracks – Ministry, Shepherding, Charitable Services or Administration!
The Ride Of The Valkyries by Wagner is the stirring
music for the ICCM Processional!
The Welcome to the Fourth Commencement
of the ICCM!
Dr. Tim Kernan teaches about the European Degree
System and the accreditation of the ICCM
by the State of California!
Elena explains from the Scriptures that both men
and women were trained by Jesus!
Kwaku Sarkodie delivers the Valedictory Address!
65 BA Degrees were awarded!
Each degree recipient was cheered as they crossed
the stage when they received their diplomas!
Helen Sullivan shares about The Road
To The Master’s Degree!
The ICCM conferred Master’s Degrees upon Evan
Bartholomew, Mike Patterson, Rebecca Rico,
Helen Sullivan and Jen Watkins!
Dr. Andrew Neil Smellie!
Andrew’s father – now 80 years old – traveled from
New York City to see his son receive the
Doctorate of Ministry Degree!
Rebecca Rico’s parents – Luis & Leticia – were
also proud of Rebecca’s accomplishments!
Helen’s daughters – Amanda (left) and Melissa – were
likewise thrilled for their mom!
After a few songs, Andrew delivered a message for the ages entitled,THE REVOLUTION BEGINS IN JERUSALEM! He powerfully preached, “God’s revolution disturbs the comfortable and comforts the disturbed… But be alert, while God is working, Satan is lurking!”
revolution disturbs the comfortable and
comforts the disturbed!”
As Aaron Turner & Sheila Bell listened to Andrew,
they were so fired up to be at the GLC and for
getting engaged a month ago
in San Francisco!
Sunday’s fellowship was sooooo refreshing!
Then came 16 glorious baptisms: Tyler, Angelina, Vicky, Olga, Koko, Isaac, Jessica, Mourad, Ralph, Griselda (Anayeli’s sister), Tavron, Fritzie, Ray, Olay, Benita, and Lidia – Oleg & Elena Sirotkin’s youngest daughter!
Every baptism is a miracle of God!
The 16th baptism was Lidia! Therefore Oleg, Elena, Sofia and Lidia –the entire Sirotkin Family – is united in Christ!
With Lidia’s baptism, the entire Sirotkin Family
is united in Christ!
After these 16 miracles, there were two more miracles – the sending out of the Tampa, Florida and Dubai, United Arab Emirates Mission Teams by prayer!
As the entire GLC falls on their knees, the movement
Shepherds – Tony Untalan (above) and Nick
Bordieri – pray over the Tampa and
Dubai Mission Teams!
Then to close the service we just had to sing LuJack Martinez’s Glory Song – International Version!
LuJack Martinez wrote the words to The Glory Song!
Sunday Worship closed out with this song that
gives the history of the Movement!
The Tampa Mission Team is so excited about their
Inaugural Service on September 11th!
An hour before the Kingdom Banquet at 5:30PM, SoldOut Press International released their first book, ELEVATE – Jesus’ Global Revolution For Women by Dr. Elena Garcia McKean! A very long line formed for Elena’s first book signing!
Both men and women alike stood in a long line to
have Elena sign their copy of ELEVATE!
The Kingdom Banquet was indeed packed out just as the Lord would have it! (Luke 14:23) Such an electric atmosphere after the historic Sunday Service and of course there were scores of couples on “encouragement dates” – even us “old” married brothers and sisters!
The Kingdom Banquet!
Following a delicious herb chicken meal and a tasty lemon custard with a chocolate crust for dessert, we witnessed the Kingdom Appointmentsof Sean Valenzuela and Chi Leong by Joe Willis of Sydney!
Sean Valenzuela is profoundly moved to be an
Evangelist who is targeted to plant
Melbourne, Australia in 2018!
Lord willing, Chi Leong will lead the Twelfth (and
last) Crown of Thorns Mission Team from
Sydney to Hong Kong in 2017!
After singing We Love You With The Love Of The Lord to these two young heroes in the faith, we then sang again There Is A Joy as most at the GLC Banquet were not in the Church Builders Workshop and so had not participated in this very unique Kingdom experience! Though it had been a long day, we were greatly energized by the singing, clapping and dancing! Then Tim Kernan delivered an awesome lesson on the Apostle Paul simply entitled, PERSECUTOR TO PROCLAIMER!
LiveStream broadcast Tim Kernan’s sermon
into 70 nations!
After we closed out the evening, some of the brothers and sisters in the fellowship spontaneously started to clap the very distinct rhythm ofThere Is A Joy! Andrew jumped on stage and 2,000 danced around the auditorium again!
Enjoying the Kingdom Banquet are: Amadou &
Angele Sountoura of Ivory Coast, Tamru
Belihu of Ethiopia, and Blaise Feumba
formerly of Cameroon!
Also, at the GLC Banquet, Andres Sanchez & Bridget Marquez from LA’s Southland Region were engaged! They have been together since they were 13 years old and had a child at 16. In 2013, they became disciples and so separated. After a while they began to date again and are now engaged to be married!
Congratulations to Andres & Bridget!
On Monday from 9:00AM to Noon were the World Sector Forums!There were seven forums to choose from: Western United States And Canada, Eastern United States And South Asia, Central And South America, Europe And Russian Commonwealth, Midwest United States And Middle East, Asia And The Pacific Rim, and Africa And French-Speaking Caribbean. Every forum had the same program but focused on their part of the world. The lessons were taught by the key disciples in that sphere of activity. Each program began with a Welcome And Prayer and Sharing About Heroic Bible Talks from that region of the globe! Then came the speech: SENT ON THEIR WAY BY THE HOLY SPIRIT.
Michael Williamson preaches on SENT ON THEIR
WAY BY THE HOLY SPIRIT for the European
And Russian Commonwealth Forum!
Blaise Feumba delivered the same message in the
Africa and French-Speaking Caribbean Forum!
Following a short break, thrilling five minute charges were given by various disciples entitled, GREATER DEPTH – LEADERSHIP LESSONS FROM THE BOOK OF ACTS PERIOD.
Jurij Zykov – Lord willing the Berlin, Germany
Mission Team Leader – preached from
James 1 on Revolutionary Joy!
After a little more than a two hour lunch break, the opportunity came to go to a Specialized Ministry Workshop from 2:30PM to 4:00PM. Included were: The AMS Global Conference where disciples heard Carlos Mejia preach on A GREAT DISTURBANCE; The Shepherds Forum where Tim Kernan spoke on NIGHT AND DAY WITH TEARS;The Latin Festival (in Spanish) heard Alfredo Anuch’s lesson ALL THINGS IN COMMON; The Song Leaders Training Workshop was privileged to hear the lesson WHILE THEY WERE WORSHIPING THE LORD by LuJack Martinez; at The Teen Workers Seminar Ricky Challinor inspired all with YOUR YOUNG MEN WILL DREAM DREAMS;The Chemical Recovery (CR) Ministry heard for the first time their new Global Director Matt Lovacheff speak on THEY OVERCAME; The Disaster-Emergency Preparedness Ministry was encouraged by Mike O’Donnell’s speech, EXPECT THE UNEXPECTED; and The Administration Congress was blessed by Michael Kirchner preachingDECENTLY AND IN ORDER!
Matt & Marlo Lovacheff are the new Global Directors
of CR and are a tremendous Shepherding Couple
for LA’s Southland Region!
Also that afternoon, Brice Mosby asked Tiffany Burton to be his wife! Brice & Tiffany serve as interns in the Syracuse ICC! They have set a tremendous example as numerous couples have studied the Bible because of their pure dating relationship!
Pray for Brice & Tiffany’s new adventure!
Monday evening at our Second General Session was MERCY Nightand therefore every disciple wore their neon green MERCY t-shirts! Congratulations to Michael Ochwa, this year’s recipient of the Global Ambassador of the Year Award, and to MERCY Hilo (USA) and MERCY Manila (International), the first recipients of the Compassion in Action Award given to the MERCY Branches whose projects had the greatest impact on their communities!
Nick & Denise Bordieri welcome the MERCY
Ambassadors around the world
through LiveStream!
MERCY Night at the 2016 GLC – a sea of green!
The GLC MERCY Video’s quote from a child in Haiti
is revolutionary!
Also, on this momentous evening was the well-deserved recognition by Ron Harding and the other CyberMinistry Leaders of Lance Underhill’s energies in creating and producing ICC Hot News! For this Herculean effort, Lance was appointed a CyberEvangelist!
Lance Underhill – the beloved Shepherd of
LA’s South Region – is appointed
a CyberEvangelist!
Elliott Svenkeson – the awesome GLC Opening Video
Director – is appointed CyberEvangelist!
Joshua Ajayi of Lagos is recognized as the
CyberEvangelist for Africa!
The winners of the #ILOVEMYCHURCHICC Social
Media Post: Kenneth Woods, Keywanta
Summey and Aleem Hason!
Then came the historic presentation by the leaders of the newly founded SoldOut Press International (SOPI)! Carlos Mejia serves as the President, Hector Gomez as the Editor, and Lucy Mejia as the Associate Editor! Their first book is Elena’s book ELEVATE – Jesus’ Global Revolution for Women!
A Spanish Galleon was selected as the trademark
of SOPI because Headquarters are in Mexico
and the Spanish ships would bring good
news and treasures back to Spain
from the New World!
The SOPI Leaders – Carlos Mejia (President), Hector
Gomez (Editor), Lucy Mejia (Associate Editor) –
present Elena and their first book publication
Princeton George selected Carver Bedeau of San Diego as the topTalent Show Performance! Carver gave a tremendous encore as he sang Redemption by Bob Marley while Ryan Lomeli played the guitar in the background!
The crowd sung along with Carver Bedeau as
he sang Redemption!
Then came four more extraordinary Kingdom Appointments – Brian & Joaly Carr of Eugene and Anthony & Maria Franklin of Syracuse!
Joel Parlour of Seattle appoints Brian Carr of Eugene
an Evangelist in the Kingdom of God!
After a short break though many of us were a bit tired, Oleg Sirotkin of Moscow kept us all laughing while convicting us with his humorous takes on the Scriptures! His message was entitled, A LIGHT FOR THE GENTILES! Indeed, Oleg earned the right to boldly preach as the Moscow Church had a tremendous first year as God gave them 86 additions – 49 baptisms, 27 restorations and 10 place memberships!
Though we were all quite tired, no one fell asleep
during Oleg Sirotkin’s humorous and
convicting message!
Tuesday morning, we went into the Men’s and Women’s Programs. At the Women’s Program, Tatiana Bonilla was given the honor to be appointed a Women’s Ministry Leader!
Tatiana’s parents – who are disciples – traveled all
the way from Santiago de Chile to
see her appointment!
Afterwards, Patrique Smellie of Lagos had the sisters in tears with her message PRAYING AND SINGING AT MIDNIGHT! Following, short charges were given on Women in the Book of Acts: Lydia, Priscilla, God-fearing Women of High Standing, Prominent Greek Women, Mary the Mother of Jesus, Tabitha, Damaris and Sapphira!
Sharing heartfelt and touching stories from the
newly planted Lagos Church, Patrique Smellie
moved the sisters to tears!
During the Men’s Program, Miguel Mendez was appointed by his father in the faith Cory Blackwell to be an Evangelist in the Kingdom of God!
The Brothers’ Prayer Huddle!
Lance of ICC Hot News interviews Miguel Mendez
after he was appointed an Evangelist by
Cory Blackwell of Chicago!
Then Cory gave a brilliant and needed message on PRAYING AND SINGING AT MIDNIGHT!
Cory’s mom Wazirah will be visiting her son’s
cranking Chicago Church in August!
After Cory’s sermon, several brothers gave charges on CHARACTER STUDIES FROM THE BOOK OF ACTS! These studies included: James The Apostle, Philip The Evangelist, Ananias Of Damascus, Barnabas, Silas, Timothy, Apollos and Stephen!
Chris McGrath gives an inspiring
sermon on Timothy!
Coltin Rohn challenges the brothers to be bolder
in reaching out to denominational Apolloses!
As we neared noontime, a standing ovation was given to both Dustin & Amanda Miller of San Francisco as they were appointed Evangelist and Women’s Ministry Leader by Jason & Sarah Dimitry!
Jason Dimitry gives the weighty charge to the
young Evangelist Dustin Miller –
“Preach the Word!”
To close out the 2016 GLC, Tim asked me to deliver the message, TO THE ENDS OF THE EARTH where I challenged the movement on lukewarmness, as well as to grasp the vision for the evangelization of the nations in this generation!
TO THE ENDS OF THE EARTH was indeed a fitting
title for the close-out message of
As the service was coming to a close, I personally had tears of joy as I was reminded of Luke 10:23-24, “Blessed are the eyes that see what you see. For I tell you that many prophets and kings wanted to see what you see… and to hear what you hear.” We concluded the formal schedule of the 2016 GLC with singing, clapping and dancing to There Is A Joy!
The London Disciples at the GLC surround Kolbe &
Rebecca welcoming them to the
European World Sector!
Andrey Astanin asked Cynthia Maldonado to be his wife on a bridge at the beautiful Venice Canals in Los Angeles immediately after the GLCwhere she emphatically said, “Yes!” Andrey & Cynthia were both members of the Sacramento Mission Team!
Congratulations to Andrey & Cynthia!
To close the day, Carlos & Lucy Mejia hosted a wonderful evening Book Signing Party for Elena to celebrate her amazing book – ELEVATE!
The Mejias and the Fraziers made all the preparations
for Elena’s Book Signing Party sponsored by
SoldOut Press International!
At the Book Signing Party as a token of thanks,
Lucy presents Elena with a beautifully
framed cover of ELEVATE!
Seeing Mom’s newly signed copy of ELEVATE,
little Mia Williamson of London asks,
“Mommie, why did Elena leave
her Bible here?”
In many ways for us in Los Angeles, the 2016 Global Leadership Conference came to a glorious close at the Tuesday, August 9th City of Angels Church Staff Meeting! After more awesome singing and a time of Good News Sharing by the Region Leaders about the impact of the GLCon them personally, Tim delivered a terrific first lesson on his new I & II Samuel Series!
After expending his energies on overseeing the most
impactful GLC yet, Tim still was able to deliver
a remarkable lesson on I Samuel 1 – 4!
Following was the send-off for Adam Zepeda, Kolbe Gray and Rebecca Rico! My beloved grandsons in the faith – Adam Zepeda and Kolbe Gray – will be flying to São Paulo and London to be reunited with their respective fathers in the faith Raul Moreno and Michael Williamson! Most of all though, Elena & I will miss our so dear daughter in the faith Rebecca Rico as she will now work side-by-side with her awesome boyfriend Kolbe in London! To begin this farewell, each of the three gave their final charge to the Staff!
Kolbe Gray’s first sermon on July 17th to the South
Region was the finest first sermon that
Kip has ever heard!
Kip & Elena – Abuelo & Abuela!
Rebecca worked on the Good News Email for three
years side-by-side with Kip & Elena!
Elena & I shared about each of them. I shared that Kolbe reminded me of the young Joseph in Genesis 37 – a dreamer! Yes, Kolbe came to LA to win Rebecca’s heart… yet I gave Kolbe an upside down globe since he will some day become not an English Evangelist nor an American Evangelist, but a Global Evangelist as God brought him to LA – the epicenter of the movement – to build relationships with the brothers that the Spirit will send around the world!
Kolbe has become so dear to the McKeans!
Adam reminded me of Gideon in Judges 6 – a man with self-doubts at first, but through God’s presence and power Gideon fulfilled his destiny and became a “Mighty Warrior!” I gave Adam the gladiator sword that my sons had given to me!
Excelling in his ICCM studies and training, Adam
is now the “face” of the ICCM and will serve as
an Associate Professor in ICCM-São Paulo!!
Rebecca reminds of Phoebe, who Paul says was helpful to him in Romans 16:1-2! To Paul, Phoebe was a tireless worker and supremely trusted! And the name Phoebe means “radiant!” Rebecca for three years has been a radiant daughter in the faith to Elena & me working on the Good News Emails, helping Elena type and edit ELEVATE, and she has healed our souls with her undying loyalty! Through the years, Elena & I together have given Bibles to many men, women and children, but I personally had only given a Bible to two women – my mom and Elena! So to Rebecca, I gave my Bible that I used in 2013 – the year that she became our assistant – inscribed with the ancient charge, “Preach the Word!”
Kip read his inscription to Rebecca from his 2013
Bible – the year that Rebecca became the
Associate Editor of the Good
News Email!
Elena gave her book ELEVATE each of the three in which she wrote very touching, personal messages!
Truly in the Kingdom, “We are family… to the end!”
After this sharing, the entire Staff fell to our knees to pray for these three courageous heroes in the faith!
The Spirit is called upon to empower these precious
disciples to fulfill their destinies!
As we rose, we sang arm-in-arm to the three, We Love You With The Love Of The Lord! Then they cut the cakes made especially for them!
The cake cuttings!
Elena & I took Kolbe & Rebecca out for a quick lunch and then we dropped them off at the airport where we gave each of them big goodbye hugs!
One last shot before the airport!
2017 Global Leadership Conference
Dearest Brothers and Sisters: Truly God’s Twenty-First CenturyREVOLUTION is on fire like never before! So since the planting of the of the City of Angels International Christian Church in LA by the 42 sold-out disciples from Portland on May 6, 2007, the Spirit has multiplied His movement to become 5,000 disciples in 68 churches in 31 nations on all six populated continents of the world! Indeed, it is obvious, this is not a movement of men but the very movement of God!
LiveStream broadcast the 2016 GLC into 70 nations
including Pakistan, Poland, Saudi Arabia,
Vietnam and Israel!
Now it’s time to really take the REVOLUTION to all nations! So Lord willing and very excitingly, the 2017 Global Leadership Conferenceand the 2017 IGNITE Program will be in Metro Manila, Philippines on August 3 – 6, 2017! Completing our going through the Bible at our GLC’ssince 2010, our theme will be APOKALYPSIS – the Greek name for the Book of Revelation! APOKALYSIS literally means “disclosing things that would not otherwise be known.”
Hong Kong – the last of the 12 Crown of Thorns
Cities – is the gateway to the 1.3 billion
people of China!
Lord willing, at the 2017 GLC, upside down globes will
be given to the Hong Kong Mission Team as we
will celebrate the completion of Phase #1
of the Crown of Thorns Project!
Surely God has so much more to disclose to us through this amazing book as we will be celebrating the Tenth Anniversary of the SoldOut Movement and the completion of Phase #1 of the Crown of Thorns Project with the sending out of our Twelfth (and last) Crown of Thorns Mission Team – Hong Kong! And to God be all the glory!
We are family… into eternity,