There is a tremendous harvest happening in Haiti and we have been called on to help make it happen. As most of you know Alexis, a former church of Chris preacher, became a disciple after the GLC then went back to his people in Haiti.
Through our God and the amazing faith and hard work of Alexis over 170 have become disciples! Many of these being church of Christ ministers seeking revival and true discipleship. Since this time 6 were baptized in the Miami/Ft. Lauderdale area through the efforts of Alexis & then I was able to go help pull them in, baptize them and disciple them.
Moise was one of these first. Moise has since had 15 more baptized in Ft. Lauderdale. 2 of those were COC preachers from Haiti. We sent this couple back to Haiti and they have begun studying with their entire congregation of 65 plus over 125 more in other congregations. 40 in one group want to become disciples…19 were baptized Sunday, thus joining the sold out movement.
There are currently 200 more waiting for direction and help. We need to send Alexis from Port au Prince & Jean Bonard of Jacmel up to Cap Haitian (northern Haiti) to study with and count the cost with these people. We are predicting 140 more to be baptized as disciples! Thank you for your love and faith! – Matt Sullivan
I’d really like to share with you all, some pictures from the work we are doing for the growing Kingdom of the Lord in the Northern region of Cap-Haitian and Ouanaminthe! It’s been difficult but hopefully these pictures can help you understand and have some great information.
We have been studying with people and counting the cost, a lot! We are in Ouanaminthe now. We have been studying with the staff leader of the Church of First Century, “salt and light”. We‘ll get back to the ministry led by our brother Wakine, to continue to count the cost, for him to make the decision to get baptized tomorrow morning.
Please pray for the harvest and pray against opposition. The victory belongs to us, because we belong to God. Love you Guys! – Turgeau Alexis