“Our hope is that, as your faith continues to grow, our area of activity among you will greatly expand, so that we can preach the gospel in the regions beyond you.” 2 Corinthians 10:15-16
Welcome to the Washington DC International Christian Church’s 1st Regional Service Sunday. The 1st century church evangelized their areas through numeric growth and geographic expansion. The pattern of the church in the first century was to establish an “Epicenter” near the synagogues and campuses of each city where they established themselves. They would then systematically establish “Centers of Growth” in key areas where they would hold public discussions about the scriptures and the Messiah. Today we call those “Bible Talks”. As the number of members and the faith of the members grew, they would expand their areas of activity further away from the epicenter and Preach the Word in the outlining regions of their city. This would continue until the of the Centers of Growth all intersected, enveloping not just the city, but all of the regions surrounding that city. Here in DC, we chose Bethesda as the epicenter nearly two years ago and the Holy Spirit has added 76 new souls and 19 returning souls, while expanding our ministries from Bethesda, to NoVA, to Harrisburg VA, to Annapolis, and to Baltimore. Today we begin a new era in the DC church where we will be able to live, work, evangelize, and worship in our regional areas. Let us be grateful for those who sacrificed their time, money, and comfort to drive great distances every week to build the strength of our church in the epicenter so that all those who come in the future will benefit from having a true discipling ministry in each area of the city. Paul described the response of the people as the church grew and expanded in Acts 8:4-5 “Those who had been scattered preached the word wherever they went.” Let us follow the example of those who have gone before us with our own sacrifice, honoring the Lord by preaching the Gospel in the regions beyond DC and “To the Ends of the Earth!”