“They overcame him by the blood of the lamb and by the word of their testimony; they did not love their lives so much as to shrink from death.” Revelation 12:11
Most people go to great lengths to avoid the slightest bit of pain or suffering. Drugstores are full of medications to relieve any discomfort in our lives. The Bible gives a stark contrast between man’s desire to avoid hardship and God’s call for us to suffer. We are even told to rejoice about it! The Scriptures describe being counted worthy to suffer for Christ as a privilege which brings a blessing to us “To this you were called, because Christ suffered for you, leaving you an example, that you should follow in his steps.” 1 Peter 2:21.
Christianity provides a full life of challenge and adventure. We in DC have sent so many out on the mission field to win this world for Christ. We cheered for every departing missionary. Our homes are fortresses of strength, which will continue to provide support year-after-year. The ministry and house church meetings are filled with faces who are supportive and obedient in working side by side seeking and saving the lost in their own city. Yet, those left behind can often get caught up in their own challenges that they can forget about the challenges of truly going anywhere, doing, anything, and giving up everything for Christ. From my own experience, I can tell you the real challenge comes when you must leave these surroundings and face the same challenges of life in new surroundings. The cheering of the church will not be heard. The support of brothers and sisters will not be felt. Your faith will be tested and in the end you will know where you stand with God. You leave behind challenges of ministry, family, finances, and leadership. Yet ahead are unseen pressures of spending days, months, and years in an unfamiliar city with your closet friends thousands of miles away. One might ask, “What do we do with these overwhelming challenges?” “How can we defeat Satan?” The answer: Inhale, remember Jesus is Lord, and let out a few heartfelt resonant tones of “We Shall Overcome.” The Bible teaches in Revelation 12:11 though Satan hovered near our brothers in the first century, they overcame him. We need to keep our eyes on God and His plan to have confidence, conversions and commitment. We are called to sacrifice money, time and personal desires for the sake of the Kingdom. At times, this becomes our greatest struggle – Overcoming one’s self. This can be the greatest obstacle you face in gaining spiritual victory. That is why the final instruction from Revelation 12:11 is that we be willing to give up our lives, go anywhere, do anything and give up everything for the cause and He will give us the strength and Power to Overcome!