The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field. When a man found it, he hid it again, and then in his joy went and sold all he had and bought that field. Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant looking for fine pearls. When he found one of great value, he went away and sold everything he had and bought it. Matthew 13:44-46
TREASURE is the key word in understanding the heart which drives the Kingdom. To every disciple of Jesus the Kingdom was exactly that – a treasure. It was worth more than silver or gold. It took precedence over everything else. All our lives, we looked for something worth pouring ourselves into. For those of us who are a part of God’s Kingdom we know that we’ve found that treasure and we understand that our sacrifice buys the kingdom and lost souls.
JESUS held his disciples to the highest of standards – everything. With him it was all or nothing. To the rich man in Mark 10:21 his charge was “Go, sell everything.” To the crowds of potential followers in Luke 14:33 he drew his line saying, “ ..any of you who does not give up everything he has cannot be my disciple.” Jesus expected his followers to be “Sold Out” by being willing to literally sell everything to follow him and win the world for his cause. We must be careful to not allow even a hint of greed (Ephesians 5:3) to creep into our lives and take our unwillingness to serve Jesus and his Kingdom with the Sold Out heart he demands.
PROOF of Jesus’ intentions with these rigorous commands is found in the response of his disciples! They became Sold Out and gave up their own personal time to be devoted to the Apostles teachings, to be devoted to individual and group prayer, and to be devoted to one another. Their equal devotion to giving up everything gave them everything in common, making them completely unified! Because of their unity, the Lord added to their number daily, until they won the world in their generation. Selling out to Jesus makes us powerful, effective, and gives us that same unity. Certainly we must commit ourselves to the same course if we are to win the world in our generation!
Part One: Preaching the Gospel in Jerusalem (1:1 – 8:3) |
I. The Anticipation & Final Preparation of the Church 1:1 – 1:26 |
Introduction to |
Acts 1:1-2 |
Appearances of Christ & Final Teachings on the Kingdom |
1:3-8 |
Ascension of Christ |
1:9-11 |
Anticipation of the Holy Spirit |
1:12-14 |
Filling the Gap – The Appointment of Matthias |
1:15-26 |
II. The Inaugural Service of the Church 2:1-47 |
Filling with the Holy Spirit |
2:1-4 |
Speaking with Other Tongues |
2:5-13 |
Peter Preaches the Churches 1st Sermon |
2:14-39 |
The Fellowship of the Believers |
2:40-47 |
III. The Growth of the Church 3:1 – 8:3 |
Peter Heals the Lame Man |
3:1-10 |
Peter’s Second Sermon |
3:11-26 |
Peter and John Are Arrested |
4:1-4 |
Peter Preaches the Gospel to the Jewish Sanhedrin |
4:5-12 |
Sanhedrin Commands Peter Not to Preach |
4:13-22 |
Apostles’ Prayer for Boldness |
4:23-31 |
Early Church Displays the New Covenant of Giving |
4:32-37 |
Ananias and Sapphira Lie |
5:1-11 |
Apostles’ Mighty Miracles |
5:12-16 |
Apostles’ Persecuted by God’s Former Leaders |
5:17-42 |
Deacons Are Appointed |
6:1-7 |
Stephen Preaches to the Sanhedrin and is Martyred |
6:8 – 7:60 |
Saul Persecutes the Church |
8:1-3 |
Part Two: Preaching the Gospel in Judea and Samaria (8:4-12:25) |
I. The Preaching of Philip 8:4-40 |
Philip Preaches the Gospel to the Samaritans |
8:4-25 |
Philip Preaches the Gospel to the Ethiopian |
8:26-40 |
II. The Conversion of Saul 9:1-31 |
Saul is Converted and Blinded |
9:1-9 |
Saul is Filled with the Holy Spirit |
9:10-19 |
Saul Preaches at Damascus |
9:20-22 |
Saul Shares the Gospel in Jerusalem |
9:23-31 |
III. The Preaching of Peter 9:32 – 11:18 |
Peter Heals Aeneas at Lydda |
9:32-35 |
Peter Raises Dorcas at Joppa |
9:36-43 |
Peter Shares the Gospel with Cornelius at Caesarea |
10:1 – 11:18 |
IV. The Preaching of the Early Church 11:19 – 12:24 |
Preaching in Antioch and the Evidence of the Grace of God |
11:19-30 |
Origin of the Name Christian: a Nickname for the Disciples of Jesus The Persecution by Herod |
12:1-24 |
Part Three: Preaching the Gospel to the End of the Earth (12:25-28:31) |
I. The First Missionary Journey 12:25 – 14:28 |
Barnabas and Saul are Sent from Antioch |
12:25 – 13:3 |
Ministry at Cyprus |
13:4-12 |
Ministry at Antioch | 13:13-50 |
Ministry at Iconium |
13:51 – 14:5 |
Ministry at Lystra |
14:6-20 |
Ministry on the Return Trip |
14:21-25 |
Report on the First Missionary Journey |
14:26-28 |
II. The Jerusalem Council 15:1-35 |
Debate over Gentiles Keeping the Law |
15:1-5 |
Peter Preaches Salvation through Grace |
15:6-11 |
Paul and Barnabas Testify |
15:12 |
James uses his Leadership Role to Unify the Church |
15:13-21 |
The Council Sends an Official Letter |
15:22-29 |
Report to Antioch |
15:30-35 |
III. The Second Missionary Journey 15:36 – 18:22 |
Disagreement over John Mark |
15:36-41 |
Derbe and Lystra: Timothy is Circumcised |
16:1-5 |
Troas: Macedonian Call |
16:6-10 |
Philippi: Extensive Ministry |
16:11-40 |
Thessalonica: “Turning the World Upside Down” |
17:1-9 |
Berea: Many Receive the Word |
17:10-15 |
Athens: Paul’s Sermon in the Areopagus |
17:16-34 |
Corinth: One-and-a-half Years of Ministry |
18:1-17 |
Return Trip to Antioch |
18:18-22 |
IV. The Third Missionary Journey 18:23 – 21:14 |
Galatia and Phrygia: Strengthening the Disciples |
18:23 |
Ephesus: Three Years of Ministry |
18:24 – 19:41 |
Macedonia: Three Months of Ministry |
20:1-6 |
Troas: Eutychus Falls from Loft |
20:7-12 |
Miletus: Paul Bids Farewell to Ephesian Elders |
20:13-38 |
Tyre: Paul is Warned about Jerusalem |
21:1-6 |
Caesarea: Agabus’ Prediction |
21:7-14 |
V. The Trip to Rome 21:15 – 28:31 |
Paul Preaches the Gospel in Jerusalem |
21:15 – 23:33 |
Paul Preaches the Gospel in Caesarea |
23:34 – 26:32 |
Paul Preaches the Gospel in Rome | 26:33-28:31 |
Please keep the Beshai family in our prayers as we mourn our loss of our beloved brother John Beshai– a hero of the evangelization of the Middle East. John fought the fight, finished the race, and went home to the Father on September 1, 2013. We are sad for ourselves and his family, yet we celebrate that he is receiving his crown of righteousness!
“I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Now there is in store for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will award to me on that day – and not only to me, but also to all who have longed for his appearing.” 2 Timothy 4:7-8